As we plan our next five day annual fasting challenge, the founders of FAST:RX are taking a wean down approach. Each week will include a new challenge that gets us closer to fully no calories, sugar, or carbs for 5 days (!!). Here is what our schedule looks like, if you want to learn and try it for yourself:
- Week 1: 1200 calorie daily intake
- Week 2: 16:8 fasting schedule
- Week 3: 16:8 + no sugar
- Week 4: OMAD + no sugar + no complex carbs (think pasta, bread, pancakes)
- Week 5: OMAD + no sugar + no complex carbs + only eat simple foods (fruit, eggs, lentils, hummus, sweet potatoes)
Then: FAST. No meals + no sugar + no carbs + no calories or any kind. The only thing we'll be consuming is liquids. And, only liquids that have zero sugar, zero carbs, and zero calories! Think black coffee, tea, water, and our fasting water and keto drink FAST:RX only. We're on our way! Want to join?