Setting Health Goals for the New Year: Keep It Real to Reach

Setting Health Goals for the New Year: Keep It Real to Reach

Set health goals that are realistic, sustainable, and actually enjoyable. You will be more likely to reach them!

1. Start Small, Stay Consistent

Instead of saying, “I’m going to work out every day for an hour,” start with something manageable like 15 minutes a few times a week. If you’re currently more acquainted with your couch than your running shoes, even a brisk walk counts. The goal is to build habits that you can stick with, not to go so hard in January that you’re over it by February.

2. Focus on Adding, Not Taking Away

We often approach health goals by thinking about what we need to cut out: no carbs, no desserts, no fun. But what if we flipped the script? Add more veggies to your meals, drink more water, or incorporate a new type of exercise you’ve been curious about. It’s easier to stick with changes when they feel like additions to your life rather than restrictions. Try out FAST:RX our wellness drink that aims to help you reach your goals faster with wellness hydration that makes you feel better while on the journey. 

3. Make It Fun (or at Least Bearable)

Let’s be honest: not everyone is going to fall in love with spin class or quinoa overnight. And that’s okay! Find activities that you genuinely enjoy, whether that’s dancing around your living room, hiking, or trying out a martial arts class. The same goes for food. If you hate kale, don’t force it. There are plenty of other healthy greens to try. (Spinach, anyone?)

4. Give Yourself Some Grace

Here’s the thing: life happens. There will be days when you eat the cake, skip the workout, or binge-watch a whole season of your favorite show instead of going to bed early. And that’s fine! One off day doesn’t mean you’ve failed. Health is about progress, not perfection. Pick up where you left off and keep going.

5. Celebrate the Small Wins

Did you drink an extra glass of water today? Amazing. Did you choose a side salad instead of fries—even though you really wanted the fries? (Side note: it’s okay to want the fries.) Celebrate those moments. Small victories add up over time and keep you motivated.

6. Enlist a Buddy

Everything’s easier (and more fun) with a friend. Whether it’s a workout partner, a cooking buddy, or just someone to text when you’re about to dive headfirst into a bag of chips, having support can make a big difference.

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